Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Maugham's story is different from the message

the message in Maugham's story is different from the message in the Aesop fable of the ant and the grasshopper. The fable suppose to be the ant who is hardworking and get enough food to through the winter, and the grasshopper who is lazy and idle, in the end, he has to beg ant for a little food to through the winter. However,Maugham's story is describe Tom and his brother, Geroge. Tom leave his family and job only for enjoy his life. His has sexes with prettiest women, eat at expensive resraunt, gamble, and so on. In the end he gets anything he wants because he married a old lady. After she died, she left him a million pound, a house in London and a house in country. George is hardworking, responsible to his family and job. He never has a vacation longer than two-week in year for 25 years. He was 47 years old, but he looks sixty. He never think about betry his wife, Andre always be a good father. However, he only get a small income and little house in the end.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Handout-my story

It was a very mid-night. My cousin and I were sitting in a sofa and watched TV. I was trying to make myself fell asleep soon and he looked very nervous and angry. I asked, “What is going?”  He said, “Lisa did not go home yet, she is play with her friends at a bar.”(Lisa is my cousin’s girlfriend) I said, “Lisa is 23-year-old. She knows what to do, do not think too much.”  He raped, “I am trust her, but Lisa is a simple girl, and it is 1 am right now. She does give me a call that says she is arrived home.” Lisa called while I was going to answer my cousin. Because it was mid-night, it was very quiet and I overheard their conversation on the phone. Lisa sounds had a little drunk, but she was home now. She said, “Honey, I am home and I was going to bed now.” My cousin said, “Why are you going to home so late? You promise me you will suppose be home at 11pm and do not drink any alcohols.” She said, “Baby, it is my best friend’s birthday party, and she is going to other city next week. We won’t meet each in years. Just a little bit late.” My cousin said, “It is principle issue. If you cannot do that, just do not promise me anything. Don’t you know the guy outside is very bad? Don’t you know I am so worry about you? Don’t you know your parents will worry about you? ” She said, “I am so tired. I do not want to argue with you.” My cousin silenced.  She said, “If you want to continue talk this topic, call me tomorrow. Good night!”
I do not think the problem is solved. My cousin's girlfriend believe she was right. She did not do the wrong thing. She did not hang out with other boy. She just back home a little late. My cousin believed his was right. A young girl back home at mid-night and drunk, it is very dangerous. His girlfriend promised him back home early, but she did not do that. I think there are many different to avoid it. For example, they could go out together, my cousin have to loose his rule(principle) or his girlfriend need to do what she has said.