Tuesday, October 18, 2011

summary p93-p136

        Not long after Henrietta’s death, there is the biggest polio epidemic happened in history. Therefore, the scientists begin to develop a HeLa factory which could grow the HeLa’s cells every week to stop polio.
        Many people do not know Henrietta’s name. The only article about Henrietta is published without her name. Jerome Syverton writes many letters to complain to Gey about misreport Henrietta’s name and ask Gey to correct it. Berg, a press officer at the NFIP also sends Gey many letters saying he want to write more information about HeLa cells for a popular magazine with her correct name. However, Gey does not agree to correct the name and says it is a way to protect Henrietta’s privacy. Therefore, many people think the name of the woman behind the HeLa cells as Helen Lane. Henrietta’s family also does know her cells are alive.
           When Henrietta was gone, her children, Sonny, Deborah, and baby Joe except Elsie who is deaf and dumb and raise at other place are raised by Day and Ethel who hate Henrietta. Henrietta children don’t know what happen to her because no one tells them and if they ask about their mother, they will get hurt by Ethel. They ask Day about what happen to their mother and sister, and Day always gives the same answer which is you are too young to remember to reply them.
During the interview with Henrietta’s cousin, Cootie gives the reasons why people who are in their family do not talk about Henrietta. They do not say the words like cancer or do not tell the stories on dead folks. At that time, the family does not talk about Henrietta for a long time. It almost like Henrietta has never existed, except for her children and cells. Cootie says if author wants know more information about Henrietta, she needs to talk to Cliff who grows up with Henrietta. Cliff shows author many details and some family history about Henrietta.
           Henrietta’s cells grow up at labor around the world. Chester Southam is thinking injected with live HeLa can also work on human not only rat. He starts doing research about Hela cells. It is the first time doing research at human and it is danger. He starts inject with live HeLa at patient who have cancel. And then he wants know what different if he injects with live HeLa between healthy people and sick people. He inject with live HeLa at healthy people who are murders, embezzlers, and robbers to get the answers he wants. Southam is not only one who treats other people’s life as a test. Accounding to the published a detail list of worst offenders, there are researchers who inject children with hepatitis and other researchers poison patients under anesthesia using carbon dioxide.

I feel shocked. At that time, researchers treat human being like a rat, they only care about what answers they can get from them.

There are many unfair or illegal events happened at that time, why there is nobody to resist it?

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